Azure, Azure DevOps, Professional, Terraform, YAML Pipelines

Terraform, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, and YAML Templates


TL/DR if want to see a working example of Terraform, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, and YAML templates check out my GitHub Repo TheYAMLPipelineOne

A constant ask at any customer when dealing with Terraform is: “How do we configure this for our CI/CD Pipelines?”. The honest answer to this is…..IT DEPENDS! Just like with many areas withing IT there is no one size fits all solution.

This post will deal with one approach leveraging Terraform, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, and YAML Templates. For starters if you are unfamiliar with YAML Pipelines and specifically my approach to them check out the following blog posts:

Specifically we will be leveraging the Azure Pipelines Terraform Tasks marketplace extension. I prefer this one as it handles a lot of functionality, such as passing variables and running an apply only when changes are detected. This in addition to a nice User Interface when viewing plan details. Can read on my experience leveraging this task here.


Template Structure

To be successful in this approach it helps to understand the why the templates are structured the way they are and what their design is. First and foremost I am a huge advocate for the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) methodology when it comes to YAML Templates.

For this to be successful it all starts with the task. A Task must be configured in such a way the majority of it’s inputs are parameterized. Now wait….are we going to ask and require every input? No. This is where defaulting to the 80% rule comes into play. We can default it to the value we are most likely wanting to use.

Here is an example of what I am referring to:

- name: terraformVersion
  type: string
  default: 'latest'
  - task: TerraformInstaller@0
    displayName: install terraform
        terraformVersion: ${{ parameters.terraformVersion }}

Rather then set the terraformVersion to always use latest we are parameterizing it. This provides the ability for anything calling this task to pass in it’s own value…..or assume the default!

This philosophy trickles up when we start talking about creating a “build” and an “apply” task.

Terraform Build

I define a Terraform Build one that accomplishes the following:

  • Publish Terraform files as an Artifact
  • Install Terraform
  • Run Terraform init
  • Run a plan for ALL desired environments

Now these steps, minus the publishing artifact, should be all repeatable and encapsulated so a job can run this in parallel. This is important concept as if we define the task once and the task series once we can re run it for multiple environments simultaneously since there aren’t any dependencies.

I also want to call out that these tasks can create a stage which we reuse for our PR builds. There really is no difference between these activities.

Terraform Apply

For me Terraform Apply steps would be defined as:

  • Install Terraform
  • Run Terraform init
  • Run Terraform plan
  • Run Terraform apply

These steps significantly overlap with the Terraform Build process. This means that we should be leveraging the same tasks that were defined in that process…we just add an additional one for the apply.

Now, you might be calling out why are we running a plan again? This could be done for a couple different reasions:

  • Validate what the plan was going to execute since the Azure Resource could have changed from the Build
  • Insert a stop for an approval of the change before the environment.
  • Providing the plan for any type of Change Management Documentation


This is a tricky one. For this to work we have named the Azure DevOps Environment, YAML Variable template file, Terraform *.vars file, ADO Stage and Job Names all reference this. By having this alignment on a naming standard it makes life much much easier.

Since our dev, tst, and prd, ADO environments are passed in as Azure DevOps parameters we can leverage that name to also reference our ADO variables YAML template and pass it in to the Terraform commands requiring a *.vars path. (Full disclosure I have also done this by using an environment directory approach. It just requires updating the additionalParameters and setting up the TerraformDirectory in the variables.yml file)

Here is an example of a Dev ADO variables.yml file:

    AzureSubscriptionServiceConnectionName: Example - Dev
    TerraformDirectory: Infrastructure
    TerraformStateStorageAccountContainerName: terraform-state
    TerraformStateStorageAccountName: sastorageaccount
    TerraformStateStorageAccountResourceGroupName: rg-terraformexample-dev-eus

Can see all the necessary connection information can be dynamically stored in a variable file. Alternatively if using secrets as opposed to Service Principles to access the Terraform backend state can store those in an ADO Variable Group and reference those variables as opposed to a template file. The only additional step is authorizing the pipeline to access the ADO Variable Group.


I have the terraform_build_stage.yml and terraform_apply_stage.yml out in my TheYAMLPipelineOne repository. One should be able to quickly get up to speed by configuring the variable file to match what is needed in their environments.

Odds are this will require updating the Terraform directory to match their solution(s). Which also consistency is key. These templates will work best if solutions follow a specific naming pattern.

Additionally the serviceName parameter will need to be updated. This is mainly used for job display information; however, in my advanced deployments that deploy Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and app code this could be more important as it could match the actual app service name.

End Result

We can have multiple repositories with Terraform execute the exact same steps with a minimal amount of code. For example:

- name: environmentObjects
  type: object
    - environmentName: 'dev'
      regionAbrvs: ['eus']
    - environmentName: 'tst'
      regionAbrvs: ['eus']
- name: templateFileName
  type: string
  default: 'main'
- name: templateDirectory
  type: string 
  default: 'Infrastructure'
- name: serviceName
  type: string
  default: 'storageAccountA'

- template: stages/terraform_build_stage.yml@templates
    environmentObjects: ${{ parameters.environmentObjects }}
    templateFileName: ${{ parameters.templateFileName }}
    serviceName: ${{ parameters.serviceName }}
- ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')}}:
  - template: stages/terraform_apply_stage.yml@templates
      environmentObjects: ${{ parameters.environmentObjects }}
      templateFileName: ${{ parameters.templateFileName }}
      serviceName: ${{ parameters.serviceName }}

This Pipeline would be triggered first as a branch policy on main. This would then ensure the Terraform Build stage will execute. Once merged it will then run another Terraform Build and subsequent Terraform Apply across ALL the environments/regions.

Pipeline results from terraformStorageAccountA Pipeline. Leveraging multi stage pipeline with templates
Pipeline results from terraformStorageAccountA Pipeline

And why not show that this works for another repo:

Pipeline results from terraformStorageAccountB Pipeline. Leveraging multi stage pipeline with templates
Pipeline results from terraformStorageAccountB Pipeline


There are many solutions to CI/CD for Terraform pipelines. This is just an example of Terraform, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, and YAML Templates. Hopefully this was helpful. All code samples and working templates can be found in TheYAMLPipelineOne GitHub repo.

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